Wednesday, March 13, 2013

2013 Movie Marathon - Week 9

We begin week 9 with Greg Kinnear, the artist from “As Good as It Gets,” only this time as an artist of a different kind - a pianist - in an adaptation of a Nicholas Sparks novel, “The Last Song.” No matter how many times I watch this movie, it makes me cry. And aren't those baby turtles adorable?

Monday, we hang out briefly with Kelly Preston (the mom in “The Last Song”) as a mom again, but this time in “Old Dogs.” Now this is a funny movie. Robin Williams is cast as an unsuspecting father (gotta watch those wild drunken nights!) who is called upon to keep the kids he didn't know he had for a couple of weeks while mom is serving time. John Travolta is Williams’ business partner, and they embark together on an adventure being first-time dads—of 8-year-old twins! I think my favorite scenes involve a gorilla cradling a red-headed man … watch and see what I’m talking about!  "I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you...."

Tuesday, Rita Wilson (a hand model from Monday night's movie) takes us out to Seattle where we meet up with her brother (but real-life husband) Sam (Tom Hanks), who is a widower whose son wants him to find a wife (preferably "Annie" (Meg Ryan)) in “Sleepless in Seattle.” Valentine’s Day on the roof of the Empire State Building!  Gotta love the romance!!! "That's your problem. You don't want to be in love. You want to be in love in a movie!"

Wednesday, we visit with Meg Ryan again, only this time she’s a woman whose fiancé has abandoned her for a hot French babe in “French Kiss.” (Seriously, how can ANYONE compete with an 18-year-old in a tiny skirt with legs up to her ears? Seriously?) Kevin Kline puts in a convincing effort as a nasty Frenchman.  Amazing how the love of a good woman can turn a snake around.

Thursday, Kevin Kline takes a bath and gets a hair cut and a shave and becomes President!! Okay, not really THE President, just “Dave,” the stand-in, so the real guy can go sneaking off with one of his office assistants (remind you of any of our formers?)  But what happens when the real President is suddenly incapacitated? Dare I say “balanced budget?” Just shows what could happen if you got a real average Joe in the White House. (just don’t let the First Lady sing!!)

We bring Eddie Marsan from Washington to hang with Tom Cruise on Friday in “Mission Impossible: III.” This one was pretty cool because they used real and current technology as props in the movie, and not super far-fetched stuff! Of course there's the typical Tom Cruise sprint!

Saturday, we end the week backing up a bit, by bringing Tom Cruise back for yet another sprint and to take us to Mission Impossible (the first one). There’s a method to our madness, folks. Just remember Dougray Scott (the evil guy). You’ll be seeing him again next week!!

And that wraps up Week 9 ... and now we're all caught up until next week!! 

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